четверг, 7 февраля 2013 г.

чем заменмть касторку для авиомодели

To grease a thread with castor oil, to twist and postpone the stall a back cover.

To postpone the stall a candle.

To grease a nut with castor oil and to postpone the stall the head.

To insert the sleeve with the head (orienting a groove of the sleeve on a pin in a casing).

To grease with castor oil and to dress a connecting rod on a shaft (the piston in the upper dead point) having applied light force on a connecting rod a plastic emphasis. A marker on Deckel the piston - aside Auspuff.

To collect a connecting rod / the piston / the pin, having greased the pin castor oil.

Using the L-shaped lever to hook on a connecting rod and to remove it from a shaft (the sketch of the lever is enclosed) with light force and to change application points of force to a connecting rod (as though to swing on the right / at the left).

To shift a connecting rod on a shaft in an extreme back rule (when the piston in the upper dead point).

To take out the sleeve together with the head.

The order of replacement of the piston РС7-8-9

RUSENGINES.RU - The order of replacement of the piston РС7-8-9

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